Directions to Farm

From Highway 37, go 5 miles south on Highway 76. Turn west at SW 24th.  Take 3 miles to Sara Road.  Go 1/2 miles south to CR 1243 and turn west.  Will dead end at the farm.

Litters September 4th through the 22nd
Perfect Fit X (Raw Power x Lake City-litter mate to the Grand York Female at Duncan in 08)
Eye Candy 33-3 X 7's & 2's
Stimulus(@ HighPoint)  X  (Raw Power x Lake City-Grand York Female at Duncan in 08)

Brut(@ Cains) X (Fatal x Dynamite)

Power House(@ Swensons) X (Fatal x Dynamite)

Power House(@ Swensons) X (Fatal x Dynamite)

Power House(@ Swensons) X  A-Marek-N-Made(Sieren)

106-2 X (Tapout x Fatal)

106-2 X (Fatal x Dynamite)